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Wednesday 1 August 2007

Kids Can really benefit from SOME Video Games

If you've read the last below you can begin to understand a little more about the better side of Video Games. Yes, of course there are times when hours spent on a PC or Playstation can upset routines and can give any kid the excuse not to do their homework, but it is not all bad.

Boys seem to be more interested than Girls anyway in the whole video gaming experience and if you stop and think about it, Playstaion designs and markets games in the main for male and not female players.

The conclusion is there are some skills that are learned, I for one know that my youngest son's hand-eye co-ordination was unbelievably strong after getting to grips with Keyboard and Mouse games on the PC. The down side for me know is that he can beat me at any Playstation game, not just once or twice but all the time!

The common sense rules are always the best, don't let younger kids have access to over graphic or violent games designed for much older children and adults, but coose games that allow them to maintain the exitement that Playsation and other platforms and designed to provide.