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Thursday 26 July 2007

Playstation Addiction!

There are ways to identify your addiction to Playstation fun!

If the following symptoms are showing, you are probably becoming (or have already become) addicted to fun with your Playstation:

  • If there is rarely a moment that you get bored with your Playstation
  • If time passes so quickly that the sun sets and the moon rises and you are STILL playing the same game
  • If the thought of something to eat has not crossed your mind at all
  • If thirst has not driven you to pause
  • If you have become sweaty with the intensity or frustration of the game and yet you have no desire to take a shower or bath
  • If you have said YES to one or more of these, you are having way too much fun!
Playstation, like all gaming platforms is about fun. Some of the games have become pretty intense (in fact some are pretty damn scarry) but the joy of a new game, the thrill of learning the basics and getting into the levels within is still fantastic

There is a downside though, you can while whole evenings away and sometimes the whole of a Weekend and really achieve nothing other than the success that brings you into the game you are playing

I've found a better way

You can play on the Playstation (or indeed X-BOX, PC, Nintendo and sometimes PSP), play the newest games (often pre-releases) and GET PAID for doing it!!!!

How cool is that - Play Playstation Games and GET PAID!

Now I don't know if you've ever looked into making some extra money, but most of it seems to involve going out to work in a Restaurant or a Club or something like that

I don't object to working, it's just that I like to see my friends at the times when the employer wants me to work - bummer!

Since I love playing Playstation 2 Games, I like my time to be my own really, just playing something, then going out for the later evening or part of the Weekend. This has been a fatastic opportunity to combine the best of both worlds to me, having fun and getting someone to pay me for it

If you'd like to learn about the opportunity, I'll be posting some details up soon, in the meantime I'm off to play and earn